Event Reports

20th Farmyard Party - 16th - 18th June 2006

Wakefield MAG once again hit the Farmyard Party en-mass with a large contingent of members in attendance. A number of us went in the advance party on the Thursday evening as we were on marshalling duty in the Blues Tent on the Friday. We were blessed with hot sunny weather all weekend although managed to get wet on the way home on Sunday afternoon. Not that it dampened the spirits though as the 2006 FYP was a cracking event.

This year the site was closer to Helmsley village, overlooking Duncombe House. The new site layout resulted in the traders village and all entertainment being in a square, rather than a linear arrangement, but this worked well (it wasn’t as far to walk between the attractions !!!).

Chilling at the 2006 FYP

The 20th FYP had record numbers on site this year (10,000) and everyone had a great time.

Wakefield’s marshalling duties in the Blues Tent all went to plan and there was a nice chilled out atmosphere on both Friday & Saturday night (both marshals & rally goers I hasten to add). Great bands on both nights too, although maybe the definition of what constitutes Blues music might need to be refined !?! A huge thanks to all of Wakefield’s volunteer marshals, some of whom gave service well over and above the call of duty (working numerous shifts they werent’ rostered for) – you know who you are guys and gals and we are eternally grateful !!!! The FYP is MAG’s premier fund raising event and it is the unpaid volunteer marshals that make the rally as successful as it is !!!

Looking forward to the 2007 FYP already.