Event Reports

Wakefield MAG Branch Run - Sunday 19th August 2007

For our monthly ride-out for August, we joined the Castleford & District British Motorcycle Club’s Annual Cavalcade of Motorcycles, a marshalled run from Squires to Castleford RUFC (Whitwood) for the CDBMC Grand Gala Day. The Cavalcade traditionally has attracted a huge number of bikes ........ but not unfortunately this year !! - the weather was absolutely dreadful, solid rain all day long and the promised masses, leaving from Squires didn't materialise. However, as usual, we had a solid turnout from Wakefield MAG. Nine of us on Eight bikes met at the Grey Horse at the ungodly (and very wet) hour of 08:30 on the Sunday morning. We had a nice back roads ride over to Squires, arriving around 09:20, in time for the scheduled set-off at 09:30.

Due to a lack of mobile marshals, the run wasn't as well marshalled and organised as in previous years and unfortunately, we got split up into several groups. Only 3 of us completed the cavalcade run to Whitwood with the official marshals, the rest, having lost the cavalcade, made their way directly to the Gala itself.

The bike show, which we had all entered, did unfortunately suffer from much reduced numbers, due to the (very) inclement weather. However, saying that, there were still some absolutely cracking bikes on display, and we all got really nice souvenir slate coasters, as bike show entrants. Having done several circuits of the bike show and traders, the majority of us then made our way to Redbeck for a selection of fine fried breakfast products.

All in all, a good, but rather damp day out.

Heading for Breakfast